Customize the Launcher

If the main application dm.jar is no longer located under Downloads, please update the launcher script.

On Windows

Open the launchdm.bat file with an editor and replace the path here: java -jar %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\dm.jar %1

On the Mac

Click Launchpad > Other > Automator, select "Open an Existing Document..." and open launchdm, then edit java -jar ~/Downloads/dm.jar $@ &2>>/dev/null Then File > save.

Or Do It Yourself

If you prefer to avoid some security warnings by DIY, creating the bat file is all you have to do on windows. On the Mac, proceed as follows:

Open the automator as above, doubleclick "Applications", click "Utilities" > "Run Shell Script", replace "bat" by the above script line, under "pass input", switch from "to stdin" to "as arguments". Then File > save.